IMF Conditionality, 1980–2014
Creation of original database of all policy reforms (i.e. loan conditionality) stipulated in all IMF programs between 1980 and 2014 (based on loan agreements collected from the IMF Archives). Database contains over 58,000 conditions, classified in policy areas, and includes detailed information on the implementation of conditionality and program interruptions. → Jointly developed with T. Stubbs & L. King (University of Cambridge). → Data public through Governing the IMF, 1980–2010 Creation of original database systematizing all biographical information of all IMF Executive Board members between 1990 and 2010 (based on curricula vitae collected from the IMF Archives and further biographical research via LinkedIn and other resources). Data extracted systematize the entire career trajectories (pre- and post-IMF) of over 700 individuals (Executive Directors, Alternate Executive Directors, and their advisors). → Jointly developed with L. Seabrooke (Copenhagen Business School). → Public release date: 2020. Deliberation and decision-making at the IMF, 1990–2010 Creation of original database systematizing information from all IMF Executive Board meetings between 1990 and 2010 (based on the meeting transcripts collected from the IMF Archives). Data identify attendees in all Board meetings (name, rank, countries representing), extract the full text of their comments (approx. 59 million words in total), and code valence of comments. → Jointly developed with D. Honig (Johns Hopkins University). → Public release date: 2020. Policy Diffusion and IMF Technical Assistance Missions, 1990–2010 Creation of original database of all IMF technical assistance missions between 1990 and 2010 (based on data collected from the IMF Archives). Data extracted identify the policy areas for which technical assistance is offered by the IMF, and staffing and duration of assistance missions. → Public release date: 2021. |